WHY RESISTANCE BANDS? - Baseball throwing is one of the most strenuous activities an athlete can endure in any sport, so proper recovery is vital to not only quickly return the athlete to his/her peak performance, but also to ensure a long-lasting career.
FASTER RECOVERY - With consistent and proper usage, V-Bands can greatly improve recovery and performance by increasing the shoulder's blood flow, flexibility, strength, endurance, and durability.
INJURY PREVENTION - Chronic injuries often appear long after the damage has been done so it's important to be pro-active. Implement a pre-game, post-game, pre-training, and post-training warm-up and cooldown regemine. Don't wait until there's pain!
THROW FASTER/HARDER - Throwing faster is all about hard work, smart training and proper recovery. Add this to your throwing program along with PlyoBombs and Weighted Baseballs and watch your velocity skyrocket!